Como muchos sabéis, desde hace 7 años imparto clases en una de las primeras escuelas de tatuaje que hubo en España, ‘Tattoo School Madrid’ la mitad de su andadura la he recorrido con ellos, con lo que me siento parte importante de éste equipo. Y con mucho orgullo puedo decir que éste año nos han concedido el Premio a la Excelencia Educativa, en Caixa Forum (Madrid). Gracias a todos amigos!!
As many of you know, for 7 years I’ve been teaching tattooing to the new generations at one of the first tattoo schools in Spain, ‘Tattoo School Madrid’. Half of its journey has been with them, so I feel like an important part of this team. And with great pride I can say that this year we’ve been awarded with the Educational Excellence Award at Caixa Forum (Madrid). Thanks to all my friends!!
↓↓ Upcoming travels 2024↓↓
Lausanne (Switzerland) 29 January/1 February – Private Studio
Lyon (France) 10-11 February – »Lyon Tattoo Convention» (Salon du Tatouage Lyon)
Rotterdam (Nederlands) 9-10 March – »Rotterdam Tattoo Convention»
Genéve (Switzerland) 22,23,24 March – »Genéve Tattoo Convention»
Conthey ‘The Alps’ (Switzerland) 17,18,19 May- »Alchemy Tattoo Expo»
Berlín (Germany) TBC – »Chile Hot Ink Berlin» & »Chile Hot Ink Franfurtertor» Tattoo Studio
Hamburg (Germany) 30,31 August/1 September – »Tattoo Titans Hamburg»
Roma (Italy) 11-12-13 October – »Urban Land Tattoo Expo»
Brussels (Belgium) 8-9-10 November – »International Brussels Tattoo Convention»
More dates and places…coming soon.