Un par de dibujitos de mi paso por la Convención Internacional de Tatuajes de Ginebra. (ya pondré el resultado final)
〈Eng〉 A couple of freehand stencil drawings from my time at the International Geneva Tattoo Convention. (I’ll post the final tattoos, soon)
↓↓ Upcoming travels 2024↓↓
Conthey ‘The Alps’ (Switzerland) 17,18,19 May- »Alchemy Tattoo Expo»
Berlín (Germany) TBC – »Chile Hot Ink Berlin» & »Chile Hot Ink Franfurtertor»
Hamburg (Germany) 30,31 August/1 September – »Tattoo Titans Hamburg»
Roma (Italy) 11-12-13 October – »Urban Land Tattoo Expo»
Brussels (Belgium) 8-9-10 November – »International Brussels Tattoo Convention»
More dates and places…coming soon.
——————————-Tour 2024———————————–
Lausanne (Switzerland) 29 January/1 February – Private Studio
Lyon (France) 10-11 February – »Lyon Tattoo Convention» (Salon du Tatouage Lyon)
Rotterdam (Nederlands) 9-10 March – »Rotterdam Tattoo Convention»
Genéve (Switzerland) 22,23,24 March – »25th Genéve Tattoo Convention»